Monday, May 13, 2013

Response To Ribbons

Author's Note: This is a short response to Ribbons.  Comparing China's culture to ours.

What's the differences between the Paw-Paws cultural to ours?  They used to bind the women's feet so they were "attractive".  They tied ribbons around them to stop the pain.  We don't bind our feet in America.  But in America, some women starve themselves to be skinny. Also, teenagers cake on make-up to make themselves pretty.  But in reality, they look like a clown or cake face. We try to be someone were not to impress others.  

I personally think it's a bad thing because God put you on earth to be you.  Not to be someone your not. If you try to act a certain way to impress someone, it's almost like you are insulting him for not liking yourself.  But back in the day in China, they probably didn't think of God; just how their feet looked.  I could not even imagine the pain these women went through.  I think sitting in a desk for 70 minutes is hard enough, I would never be able to survive my feet being bound.  

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