Friday, December 16, 2011

Winter Snow

Authors Note: This is about the great winter snow! 

Snow, snow, snow!  It’s so white and fluffy!  The best part of snow is the snow angels, snow forts, and of course the snow fights!  It covers the grubby brown grass with a perfect white sheet of snow!  It’s smell and feel is awesome!  The brown and yellow stuff maybe not, but the fresh white stuff is just the greatest!  Yes, I know summer water is great too, but winter snow is the best because of all the things you can do in it! 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Koala Bear

  Authors Note: I thought it would be a good idea to write about your favorite animal because it would be something fun to write about. 

My favorite animal is a koala bear.  They are so cute and cuddly.  I just wish they were cheaper, because then, I would buy one when I get older.  They look so cute when they give you little hugs.  I love their color also.  Grey and white is a perfect combination for something so cute.  I also think that they are nice and loving.  I know it’s a koala bear, but they are still a loving creature.

Next thing I love is their eyes and ears.  I love their eyes because they are so cute.  Yes I know they are red, but I look past them and see into their soul.  Also I love their ears because how they are connected to their head.  They are so fuzzy and how they stick out really makes me love them more.

Lastly, with all their really cute qualites this is why a koala bear is my second favorite animal. I love them when they give you the little hugs and what not. 

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Dream House

Authors: This is how I want my dream house to be.  This is for writing circles.  My friends thought it would be cool to write about this because it will probably never happen.  This is my dream house!

My dream house would be amazing!  It would be 4,000 sq. feet.  My yard would be 10 acres big.  Just my yard.  My room would be really big!  I would have a hot tub in my room. I would also have a personal chef.  I would have 15 rooms total.  Out of those 15 rooms, 5 would be bathrooms. My living room would be 3 times as big as the normal size living room. I would also have a trampoline outside.   I would have a zoo in my backyard.  My house would be amazing.  I would also have a endless fridge of food. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Friends can come and go,
but the real ones stay with you forever.
Some people may act “real”
But you know inside, that they just aren’t.
I have some people talk about me behind my back,
But the real ones tell you the truth about the fake “friends”
I hate how the fake friends try to be so real when they’re not,
But the real ones always act like themselves all the time.

I like a friend who is honest, smart, and have some things in common with me.
Fake friends may act that way, but then when you see them with someone else,
They are a completely different person
I wish people would stay the same with any person that they’re with.

Friday, December 2, 2011


   Authors Note: Christmas is the best time of the year.  This is for my writing circles. Christmas is about how I spend time with my family and what I do around Christmas time. 

What do you do for Christmas?  First, I go to church on Christmas Eve.  Then, I go to my Nana and Grandpa’s house for dinner and the famous “pickle hunt”.  We try to find a fake pickle that they hide in their Christmas tree. It sounds kind of strange, but it’s actually a lot of fun.  If you find the pickle, you get money and a card.  I’ve never won…sadly.  :(

Next, we open the presents that they bought us.  After that we go home and sleep.  While I am sleeping waiting for “Santa” to come,
I think of all the presents I am hoping to get.  In the morning my Grandparents come over with my Aunt.  We at all the yummy food, open up all the awesome presents, then go sledding outside and play with our new video games.  I love Christmas with my

Monday, November 28, 2011

The Haunted House by Me

Authors Note: This s how a text to world connection on my book, "The House Next Door," would be a great example for an essay.  I put a lot of thought into this.

The book “The House Next Door,” is a scary, romantic type of book. I think this book can be real in some situations, and fake in some.  “The House Next Door” is a great story because it’s funny, scary, and romantic.  A text to world connection might help with my understanding and ideas of this book.

This could be a text to world connection because there could be a haunted house somewhere.  Someone wouldn’t probably go in one, but there could still be a house that is haunted and has a creepy story behind it.  Also, I think that people would be terrified of it because if it does have a creepy story behind it, people will always stretch the truth and make it more creepy than it actually is.  I think that people should just leave it how it is and be done with, unless something actually happens to it, or in the house.

Next, the characters seem like real people with real lives.  Charlie, (the older one)has a twin sister named Val.  There are such as things twins, so that was a fact.    I think that the author did a good job on having almost like real people as characters.  They both fight with each other, and in the end, they love one another.  I think that it’s a great idea to have life like characters in a book because it makes the story sound more realistic and have a better plot.

This story reminds me of my neigh boor's house because supposedly it’s haunted. I sort of believe it because I’ve read an article in their house about a ghost that haunts their house. But, then again, I don’t believe it.  I’ve never really seen anything happen to it before, it might just be a fake article out of the news paper. I don’t want to believe it because if I did believe it, I would feel like the ghost would come out of the house and try to kill me in my sleep.  I tend to over think things a lot more than regular people.

The scary, romantic, funny, book, “The House Next Door” was awesome.  I really enjoyed the life like characters and the creepy story behind the house. I thought that a text to world connection would best suit me because I live by a “haunted house”, and I would know how to connect to this story.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Are You Proud?

Are you proud?

Authors Note;  This is going to be about how proud I am of my country.  I am proud of many reasons.  Also after you read this hopefully you get why they are so important.

Are you proud of your country?  Yes, I am really proud of mine for many reasons.  I have a Grandpa that was a part of the march in the military. He told me many stories of how it all happened and how proud he. So, stand up and be proud.

One reason I am proud is because I know that I can go to school and be safe. I know some kids do not feel safe when they go to school, and I feel bad for those kids. I feel grateful that I can go to school and not have to worry about my house being broken into or someone robbing it.  Some kids go to school worrying about their house being broken into, and if their Mom at home (if she is, or if they have one) is going to be ok. Thank you for the support and courage you have for fighting for our country.

Next, I feel safe around downtown.  I can go downtown and not have to feel like I will get hurt of any sort or get pick pocketed. I also am comfortable walking home from school and not feel like I am being followed.  Thank you again for being real protective around who you let in to the country and out of the country.  I am really proud of the ladies and gentlemen who fight for our country.

Last but not certainly not least, I am very proud of the ladies and gentlemen that can wake up and say, “Let’s go protect our country”.  I would like to say that, but I would be too afraid to get shot or something.  I am glad we have such a great group of people that can say that, and will protect us from any dangers that can happen.

Just to wrap things up, I would like to say thanks one more time on a fantastic job on keeping this country safe.  I will always be thankful to be living her and thankful that we have such a good army to protect our country.  Thank you again.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Chcolate Chip Cookies

Authors Note; This is going to be about  how chocolate chip cookies are the tatiest cookies ever.  When your read this piece, you will be blown to a whole other plantes.

When was the chocolate chip cookie invented, you might ask?  1937 was when the chocolate chip cookie was invented.  They are warm, sweet, and sometimes chewy.  Chocolate chip cookies are the tastiest cookies ever!

Chocolate chip cookies are very sweet and yummy!  Do you know that smell when you are baking these cookies?  Yes, that smell.  I love that smell and I think a lot of people would agree with me on that one.  Also, these cookies are sweet from the chocolate and yummy from the chewiness of the cookie and from the taste of it.  They will send you on a whole other planet when you have chocolate chip cookies.  Next, the different varieties you can eat them.

You can eat these types of cookies with milk, nutella, peanut butter, and ice cream.  Most cookies will not taste very well with these different spreads or toppings, but with the chocolate chip cookie, it will always taste amazing.  Also, you can have frosting with these delicious, tasty, warm, chewy, cookies.  These cookies are amazing!

The crunchiness and the warmness of the cookie will take you to a whole other universe.  Chocolate chip cookies on the outside are very crunchy if you make them just right.  They are warm from the oven when you take them out.  When I say the crunchiness of the cookie, I mean how the rim of the cookie is kind of that crunchy feeling when you bite down.  Also the warmness of the chocolate chip cookie is that feeling where it’s not burning hot nor cold.  That is also why I love the chocolate chip cookie.

Now do you see why I think the chocolate chip cookie is the tastiest ever?  Hopefully you get where I’m coming from, and if you don’t, that’s ok too because everyone has their own opinions.  I just wanted to say why I love the chocolate chip cookie and hopefully you have a chocolate chip cookie day!`